This experiment is about generating a melody tune using a PIC microcontroller. Well, this won't be difficult if you know the notes of the tune, and their respective frequencies. Here's a chart for note to frequency conversion. We will play the 'Happy Birthday' tune with a PIC12F683 microcontroller. The microcontroller will generate the frequencies of the various notes (with proper timing) in the tune and the melody will be played in a piezoelectric buzzer.
Circuit Setup
The piezo buzzer is connected to the GP2 port of PIC12F683.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
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Online Embedded Systems Lab
This online laboratory teaches you the fundamentals of microcontroller-based embedded system development through a series of laboratory exercises. Most of the time, students and hobbyists could not afford expensive development kits and software to learn these things. These tutorials are prepared such that you will be building microcontroller projects at a minimum cost. Check this out |